One of my greatest joys of the fall semester (2012) was having Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim in Princeton, my home town, where they taught a course in Religion and Ecology at the Princeton University. They have been friends for many years, but having them in town enabled us to deepen our friendship considerably. Read More
First International Big History Conference
August 9, 2012
First International Big History Conference
Just returned from the first International Big History Association conference in Grand Rapids, MI, where I gave two presentations and moderated a panel. Founded in 2010, IBHA seeks to situate human history inside of cosmic history, inquiring through a multidisciplinary approach into the common themes and patterns that function on Read More
Just returned from the first International Big History Association conference in Grand Rapids, MI, where I gave two presentations and moderated a panel. Founded in 2010, IBHA seeks to situate human history inside of cosmic history, inquiring through a multidisciplinary approach into the common themes and patterns that function on Read More
Greening of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises
August 7, 2012
Was able to visit the Ignatius Jesuit Centre of Guelph, Canada, on my way to the International Big History Association in Grand Rapids, MI. The former director, Fr. James Profit and I met in Ireland just a few weeks ago where I was able to experience first hand the way that he and others Read More
Teacher Training in Montessori Cosmic Education (July 2012)
August 7, 2012
Taught a full day workshop at the Princeton Center for Teacher Education in July which covered the story of life and the story of humans (2 and 3 in the Great Lessons). Maria Montessori insisted that storytelling should come first and study later, since storytelling can best ignite the imagination of the child (and all ages Read More
Reporting from Drumalis, Northern Ireland
July 11, 2012
Just finished co-leading a retreat with Srs. Margaret Rose McSparran and Anne Harnett on "The Ways of the Universe" at the Drumalis Retreat and Conference Center. What a joy to be here in the land of one branch of my ancestors for a second year to give this retreat! The first day was on Read More
I've reached rock star status . . . finally!
March 23, 2012
Just gave a program for parents at the San Francisco Montessori School. When I arrived at the school, Dr. David Shilt, notified me that I'd reached rock star status with the elementary students. Though the program was for parents a bunch of the students came too. It was a delight and a blast really. Read More
The Universe . . . Mystery Unfolding, Retreat in Northern Ireland
July 11, 2011
I'm at the Drumalis Retreat and Conference Center in Larne, Northern Ireland preparing to co-lead a four day retreat titled: The Universe . . . Mystery Unfolding. Day 1 - The Universe Story; Day 2 - What's emerging now?; Day 3 - New Images of God; Day 4 - Art as a way to tune into the self transcendent impulse of Read More
Earthrise Farm Creates BORN WITH A BANG Story Path
June 30, 2011
Earthrise Farm in Madison, MN, created large plaques of the spreads (illustrations and text) from Born With a Bang for an incredible journey of the universe walk in the woods. Here's a message I just received from Kay and Annette Fernholtz about the opening day walk:
Dear Jennifer and Dana,
Just want to let Read More
Dear Jennifer and Dana,
Just want to let Read More
Cosmic Story Cards and Timeline now available!
March 31, 2011
This last weekend, Cosmic Story Cards and a Timeline based on Born With a Bang were released by and enthusiastically received at the AMS (American Montessori Society) conference in Chicago. The Cosmic Story Cards and Timeline package contains:
1. A large card set for the teachers to tell the story with the picture on Read More
1. A large card set for the teachers to tell the story with the picture on Read More
Teacher Training at The Barrie School, Silver Spring, MD
January 31, 2011

With elementary student teachers at The Barrie School
The Institute for Advanced Montessori Studies at The Barrie School was founded in 1980 and offers Montessori teacher education programs leading to certification for the infant through elementary levels. Fifteen student teachers participated in a workshop on storytelling and cosmic education. A new thing I've added to teacher trainings and school visits is singing . . . what Read More